This property is ideal for manufacturers looking to expand or relocate operations. Location offers:
- Heavy industrial infrastructure
- Easy access to customers and suppliers
- Strong demographics for a skilled and professional workforce
- Lowest operating business costs and taxes of all large U.S. cities
- A cost of living below the national average
Target industries include:
- Manufacturing/assembly
Light industrial
Food processing
Cold storage
226,928 SF Facility
12,428 SF Office
6.491 Acres Learn More >>
Companies and manufacturers that located in the Cincinnati Metropolitan Statistical Area (MSA) have access to:
A first-rate transportation infrastructure with
proximity to—
- Five major Interstates
- The Ohio River
- Two main railroad systems
- Two commercial airports
A large and viable workforce with—
- Excellent workforce development, education, training and research resources
- An existent manufacturing workforce base
- Access to highly skilled workforce
- Great ability to recruit technical and professional workforce